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Szu-Yin Lin

鋼琴 Piano
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台灣台北人。2017年畢業於紐約市曼哈頓音樂學院鋼琴演奏碩士,現於美國華盛頓特區天主教大學跟隨鋼琴家 Ivo Kaltchev 修讀音樂藝術博士學位。碩士期間曾獲鋼琴家Alexandre Moutouzkine 評「出色的音樂性...特別是抒情的特質」;其指導教授 Arkady Aronov 亦形容「擁有鮮明的藝術才華和出色技巧的音樂家。其音樂有獨特的真誠不造作」。於2021年美國天主教大學協奏曲比賽中獲選樂團合作資格,也曾於2018年受邀南韓駐紐約大使館主辦「音樂與世界和平:2018 平壤冬季奧運慶祝音樂會」、紐約市聖彼得大教堂午間音樂會系列...等。林思茵先後畢業於東吳大學音樂系,師大附中高中部及國中部音樂班,古亭國小音樂班;曾師事范德騰博士、林慧英教授、林明慧教授、王珊珊教授及孫愛光教授。


Szu-Yin Lin, a native of Taiwan, is now pursuing a Doctor of Musical Arts at Catholic University of America studying with Dr.Ivo Kaltchev. Szu-Yin has been praised for her “excellent sense in music…especially the lyrical quality” by the piano virtuoso Alexandre Moutouzkine; the eminent piano virtuoso Arkady Aronov, who was Szu-Yin’s mentor at Manhattan school of music, described her as “a gifted pianist with bright artistic talent and brilliant technique… her music has  unique sincerity”. Ms.Lin was also the first prize winner in the Concerto Competition at Catholic University in 2021. As a soloist and chamber musician, she has appeared in performances at major venues such as Weil Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center Bruno Walter Auditorium, The DiMenna Center, Merkin Hall and National Opera House in New York City.

Szu-Yin is also an alumni of Soochow University in Taipei, where she studied with Dr.John Vaughan and completed her Bachelor of Music.

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