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Yu-Yen Chen

鋼琴 Piano
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2014年於美國深造鋼琴演奏並隨俄國鋼琴家Alexandre Moutouzkine習琴,獲俄國鋼琴家Arkady Aronov給予「一位才華洋溢的年輕鋼琴家,擁有令人印象深刻的音樂性與想像力及傑出精湛的技巧...」之高度評價。鋼琴家陳昱諺先後畢業於國立台北藝術大學音樂系、國立台南藝術大學研究所、美國曼哈頓音樂院碩士。擁有台美一流音樂學府雙碩士學位,學琴期間獲獎無數,為首位代表嘉義市贏得全國學生音樂鋼琴比賽高中A組第一名,以及大學音樂系術科聯考鋼琴主修榜首殊榮。除多項國內比賽優等以及第一名,更遠赴義大利第16屆Cita di Barletta青年音樂家國際鋼琴大賽,並奪下首獎。2012年代表台灣參加馬來西亞亞洲國際鋼琴大賽並榮獲第二名,期間多次舉辦個人鋼琴獨奏會,演出足跡遍佈美國、義大利、法國、英國、新加坡、馬來西亞、中國等地。2017年受台灣愛樂電台『Young Artist Showcase』專訪邀約,2019年三立新聞獨家專訪「陳昱諺的海外琴緣」,分享多年海外教學以及求學經驗。

除了鋼琴演奏,在教學經驗上更是豐富,曾旅居新加坡以及北京兩地,指導過的學生不計其數。在古典音樂的研究與教育之外,更是跨足了不同領域,將音樂、文學以及劇場做結合,成立了「N9 in Music」跨界樂團,企圖將學院派背景延伸到流行音樂劇場領域,並於2021年入選「台北藝術中心-飛行船創藝計畫」,在線上YouTube平台公開發表作品《鬼魅的》多媒體劇場音樂,希冀開創嶄新音樂風格及美學品味。

Yu-Yen Chen worked and learned with Alexandre Moutouzkine, the winner of the Rubinstein Piano Competition, in New York in 2014. He was highly praised by the pianist Arkady Aronov as "Gifted pianist with strong technical resources. Impressive temperament and imagination. Professional attention to the texts of compositions ".

Mr. Chen graduated from the Music Department of National Taipei University of Arts for bachelor degree, National Tainan University of Arts for music master degree and the Manhattan School of Music for music master degree. He has a double master's degree from two top music schools in Taiwan and the United States, and won numerous awards during his career, and won the first prize in piano major in the music department of the university entrance examination in 1995; He also went to Italy for the 16th Cita di Barletta Young Musicians International Competition, and also got the first prize. And he got the second prize in Asian International Piano Competition in Malaysia. He has held many solo piano recitals in the United States, Italy, France, Britain, Singapore, Malaysia, China and so on. In 2017, he was invited by Taiwan Philharmonic Radio "Young Artist Showcase'' for an exclusive interview. In 2019, he was interviewed exclusively by Sanli News for "Chen Yuyan's Overseas Piano Edge '', sharing many years of overseas teaching and the learning experience. In addition to piano playing, he has rich teaching experience. He had lived in Singapore to coach countless students. When he was in Singapore, he was selected as the best teacher of "Singapore Aureus Academy ''.

In addition to classical music, he has crossed different fields, combining music, literature and theater, and established the "N9 in Music" cross-border band. Hope to compose multi-level sounds full of an associative world, and create brand-new music style and aesthetic taste.

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